National Imaging Academy Wales

The National Imaging Academy Wales opened its doors in August 2018 and will train the next generation of radiologists and imaging professionals.

Established with £3.4m of funding from the Welsh Government, the Academy is Wales’ flagship purpose-designed facility which will meet the increasing need to train more consultant radiologists across the UK. Radiology Academies are well-established in other parts of the UK, and widely viewed as a successful model for radiology training nationally, and this Welsh Academy will deliver the highest level of teaching to meet the increasing pressures imaging professions are facing.

The Academy provides part of the Wales Clinical Radiology Specialist Training Programme, which runs two separate schemes in North and South Wales.

The Academy will deliver the Royal College of Radiologists curriculum in a dedicated environment which is equipped with the latest technology.

To deliver this training Comcen were engaged to provide the AV facilities throughout the many training and meeting rooms. The Academy has a 100 seat lecture theatre with dual screen projection system and has the ability to record and stream live lectures across Wales.

There are six training rooms equipped with 84” and 75” interactive screens from Avocor and C-Touch. These allow our Radiologists to work with interactively with images from across Wales, and provides a unique training experience.

We also have five meeting rooms which are also equipped with interactive screens from Avocor and Microsoft. These provide full conferencing facilities using Skype and Polycom supporting business meetings, and multi-disciplinary team meetings. Our latest development is a large meeting space that can accommodate seventy delegates in a workshop/seminar type environment. This area has projection facilities with multiple repeater screens and an 86” interactive screen.

Working in direct conjunction with our IT department Comcen was able to install the complete solution to allow the Academy to open on time and within budget. Since opening They have also helped us develop AV solutions to improve the facilities and deliver additional functionality.

Download a printable version of the case study here.

Comcen Provided

  • Configuration
  • Consultancy
  • Design
  • Innovation
  • Installation
  • Professionalism
  • Training